Let's Get Acquainted: The Story of Matt Jezorek

Hey there!
So, you've stumbled upon my little corner of the internet. Welcome! Before we dive deep into all the exciting things I've planned for this space, let's get the introductions out of the way.
Who's this Matt guy, anyway?
Well, that’s me. In the tech world, I wear a pretty hefty hat, looking after everything from Security and Privacy Engineering to Business Enablement in a major tech firm. But let’s rewind a bit. My life's movie reel includes some rather unexpected scenes: brushes with the justice system, nights without a roof over my head, days cleaning high-rise windows, adventures in the culinary world, long drives as a trucker, and oh, a decade building defenses for a certain tech behemoth. Sounds like a roller-coaster, right? Through it all, I’ve remained curious, always hacking away at life’s challenges and exploring its mysteries.
Why start blabbing on the internet?
Here’s the deal: I spent too much time hiding from my past. Heck, society made me feel I had to. But now? I’ve realized my journey, as zig-zagged as it is, has value to share. And maybe, just maybe, by sharing, I might strike a chord with someone out there. Maybe even you.
Got a Unique Angle, Matt?
Absolutely! My mantra: Attempt the impossible because everything else is just... meh.
What’s the big fuss about tech, justice, and all?
Imagine this: 1 in 3 Americans tangled up in the justice system. Now picture tech and business ownership as this magical tool that can rewrite stories, change endings. That’s the power I see, and I think we need to chat about it more.
How did being justice-involved shape you?
Think of it as my personal bootcamp. It made me tough, made me empathetic, and taught me that starting tough only means the journey’s going to be epic. Oh and no one defines you but you.
Tech Talk:
This isn’t just a tech corner. It's about real stories, real change, and a shout-out to folks who haven’t always been on the winning side. Because tech isn’t just about fancy gadgets; it's about people.
What’s driving you?
Honest chats, leveling the playing field, staying in for the marathon (not just the sprint), and making sure everyone gets a fair shot.
Alright, so what’s the game plan here?
Every week, we'll meet right here for our regular rendezvous. You can expect a mix of leadership whispers, tech tales, entrepreneurial escapade, and justice sessions. For those who just skim the surface of the web, there's free content to keep you hooked. But for the true adventurers, the ones looking to dive deep and unearth the treasures of insight, I've got content to quench that thirst. Here's the breakdown:
Public Content: Weekly stories, insights, and tidbits that blend my experiences with broader themes in tech, justice, and leadership.
Member Content: An elevated experience! Get exclusive articles, deep dives, and special features. Tailored for those who crave a closer connection and deeper insight.
Premium Content: Yes, there's a secret club! For those offering their cherished support, I have something truly unique lined up. It's my way of saying thanks, and trust me, you won't be disappointed.
Why Subscribe?
Think of it as not just subscribing to a newsletter but joining a community. A community where every voice matters, where stories aren't just told but lived, and where journeys intertwine. Plus, for those on the premium track, there's the excitement of discovering what that weekly special is! Intrigued yet?
So, can we, like, chat and stuff?
Absolutely! Drop your thoughts, questions, rants, raves in the comments. And every so often, I’ll do a special Q&A post. So, keep those questions coming!
Alright, before you go exploring the rest of this space, here’s a little favor to ask: If you enjoyed our little chat, or even if you're just a tad bit curious about where this journey's headed, click that subscribe button. Promise, it's going to be a fun ride.